Skeletal System | Skeleton System 2 + 3 | Images on slides | Muscular system 1 + 2 | Muscular system 3 |
Does your replace itself every 10 years?
What is the skeletal system?
Bones, ligaments, and cartilage.
Skeletal System 1
Saul Goodman
What is the muscular system made out of?
Muscle fibers.
How many named muscles are there?
What is special about the Hyoid bone?
It is not connected to other bones.
What do the interactions between the bones, muscles, and nerves do?
Move the body.
Skeletal System 2
What do the interactions between the bones, muscles, and nerves do?
Help the body move.
Where are visceral muscles located?
Stomach intestines and blood vessels.
Where is the smallest bone in your body?
Double points if you guess how big it is.
3 millimeters. |
What is the difference between the axial skeletal and the appendicular skeleton?
The axial skeleton protects internal organs.
The appendicular skeleton facilitates movement. |
Skeletal System 3
Andrew Tate
What do skeletal muscles produce?
More subtle movements. (Such as facial expressions)
Where are cardiac muscles found?
In the heart
Do adults have more bones than babies?
How many sections is the skeletal system categorized into?
What are they?
Long flat sesamoid and short |
Muscular System 1
Walter White
What is the muscular system's predominant function?
What do cardiac muscles do?
They pump blood through the body.
Why is the funny bone called the funny bone?
Double points to guess the bone.
Because of the funny feeling you get when you hit it.
It's not a bone. |
Some bones have a special ability. What is it?
They make red blood cells.
Muscular System 2
Gustavo Fring
What does muscle contraction fulfill?
Posture, joint stability, and heat production.
How are skeletal muscles controlled?