Appendicular Skeleton | Axial Skeleton | Name the bones | Long Bones vs. Non-long bones | Joints |
What are the lower limbs?
What attaches to the pelvic girdle?
What is cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, coccyx?
What are the five regions of the spine?
What is the humerus?
What is the name of the bone in our brachial region?
What is epiphyseal plates?
What do long bones have that other bones do not?
What is sutures?
What are the immovable joints of the skull called?
What is the Coxa or coxal bones?
What bones make up the pelvic girdle?
What is the skull, spine, sternum and ribs?
What does the Axial skeleton consist of?
What is the tibia?
What is the name of the bone that bears most of our weight?
What is osteoblasts?
What is the name of the cells that build bone?
What is shoulders and hips?
What are the two types of ball and socket joints?
What is the head?
What part of the femur articulates with the acetabulum?
What is cranium, facial bones, ossicles and hyoid bones?
What are the parts of the skull?
What is the patella?
What is the name of the bone that makes our knee cap?
What is red bone marrow?
What type of bone marrow makes blood cells?
What is flexion and extension?
What motions can hinge joints do?
What is the clavicle and scapula
What bones make up the pectoral girdle of the appendicular skeleton?
What is 12?
How many pairs of ribs do we have?
What are tarsals?
What is the name of the bones of our ankle?
What is the periosteum?
What is the name of the membrane around bone?
What are ligaments?
What connects and holds bones together?
What is ilium, ischium and pubis?
What are the three bones of the Coxa?
What is the manubrium, body, and xiphoid process?
What are the three parts of the sternum?
What is the calcaneus?
What tarsal bone makes up our heel?
What is ossification?
What means to turn tissue into bone?
What is the ends of the epiphyses (long bones)?
Where do we find articular cartilage?