What is Beta?
Also called provider's risk, this statistical symbol is used to describe a type II error
What are discrete data
Pass/Fail, Yes/No and Go No Go are types of this kind of data
What is a scatter plot?
This type of visualization can display the relationship between a dependent and an independent variable.
What is continuous
IVPs, box plots, dot plots and histograms can only be used when this type of data exists.
What is a Type I Error Or What is an α-error
This mishap occurs when we incorrectly reject the null hypothesis.
What is Chi Square?
This type of hypothesis test is used for testing categorical data
What are 'operators.'
Individuals who run the same test in a measurement system are called what?
What are -1 and +1?
These values represent the upper and lower limit of values within a correlation coefficient.
What is a scatter plot
This type of visual can be used when the dependent variable (y) and the dependent variable (x) are continuous.
What is Group Think
Three symptoms, Overconfidence, Tunnel Vision and Pressure to Conform comprise the categories of what type of team deficit
What is the t-distribution?
The distribution in which p-values are obtained
What is an operational definition?
Accurate measurement capture requires a clear type of this:
What is the sample standard deviation?
The square root of a sample variance provides this statistical measure of dispersion.
What is descrete
Contingency tables are used when the data's x and y are this.
What is the Mann-Whitney test?
This statistical test compares the difference between 2 medians with respect to variance.
What is 30?
This many degrees of freedom are required in order to obtain a normal distribution
What is high precision and low accuracy?
A basketball player that 'airballs' five free throw shots on five attempts just shy of the rim is an example of what and what?
What is a loose negative relationship?
An r of -.65 describes this type of relationship.
What is Y=F(X)
The notion that a process or system is impacted by one or more factors is characterized by this equation.
What is the F-test
The p-value of an ANOVA test can be found by means of this test
What is a known mean?
A 1 sample T-test compares against this
What are wide upper and lower control limits?
In a Gage R&R control chart, a measurement system that might require calibration would be characterized by what?
What is non-normal?
A pattern in a scatter plot suggests this type of data.
What is t-test or ANOVA
This type of statistical test can be used on data in which the dependent variable is discrete and the independent variable continuous.
What is the Abilene Paradox?
This contradiction describes a situation in which a group agrees privately on the problems facing the group but make a unified public decision that runs counter to their actual beliefs