The Daily Grind | In the Know | Curriculum Gurus | Name That Strategy or Model | Name that Colleague |
What are Zoetic and Good Vibes
The two java shops that provide all our caffeine needs.
What is a jeans pass
A preferred pick me up when a teacher is feeling "BLUE."
Who is Lucy Calkins
She wrote our ELA materials
What is skip counting.
Counting by 5, 10, an example of this strategy.
Who is Kyra
This teacher's birthday is May 18 and her favorite color is blue
What is Subway
Delivering deli style deliciousness twice a week!
What is the last day of school
May 26
Who is Cathy Fosnot
She's the math guru behind NP
What is partial products
Knowing that 5 cars have 20 tires, 3 cars have 12 tires therefore 8 cars has 32 tires is an example this strategy.
Who is Margaret
This teacher collects children's books and lipstick while cheering on her husband's Hawkeyes
What is Grab & Go
The school lunch ordered if students don't "like it hot."
What is Track & Field Day
May 18
Who is Graham Fletcher
His 3-Act Tasks make math engaging!
What is using a ratio table
Jumping around a t-chart to make equivalent relations (ex. 3 for 4 is the same as 9 for 12 or 30 for 40)
Who is Megan
This teacher loves cats, tulips, and ALL SNACKS
What is Big Grove Brewery
Popular Friday night restaurant after a long, hard week, maybe??
What is the number of days left of school
Twenty-One (21)
Who is Pam Harris
She believes math is "figure-out-able."
What is doubling and halving
4 x 6 = 8 x 3 is an example of what math strategy?
Who is Makenah
This teacher enjoys a speciality coffee every Friday, gifted from a student
What are Tuesdays and Fridays
The TWO days of the week you can secure your Subway!
What are: celebrations, daily schedule, principal's schedule, reminders, shout outs, links/forms
The 6 categories of the Monday Memo
Who is Ryan Dent
He's our New Perspectives go-to guy
What is using ten times (and partial products)
12 x 7 = (10 x 7) + (2 x 7)
Who is Jared
This teacher keeps the Nike app on NOTIFY