Google Amazon Facebook Apple Microsoft
What does the term "GAFAM" mean?
IT / computing
What is the English equivalent for "l'informatique"?
a laptop
What is the English for "un ordinateur portable"?
white-hat / grey-hat / black-hat hackers
Name two different types of hackers
a threat
Say "une menace" in english
The game of GO
Which game inspired the creator of the QR code?
an internship / a training period
What is the english equivalent for "un stage"?
a scam
What is the English equivalent for "une arnaque"?
a firewall
What can be set up on a computer to protect a network or system from unauthorized access?
a breach
Say "une faille" in english
An American whistleblower known for exposing the NSA illegal use of private data
Who is Edward Snowden?
a whistleblower
What is the English equivalent for "un lanceur d'alerte"?
squares and dots
What are the two geometrical shapes that compose a QR code?
Multi-factor authentication / two-factor authentication
What is the English for "authentification à double facteur"?
say "aléatoire" in English
It is the National Security Agency: an American domestic security agency famous for intercepting international internet traffic and using private data illegally
What is the NSA? What do the initials NSA stand for?
slow / inactive / lethargic
What is an English synonym for "sluggish"?
a malicious software / a malware
Give a synonym for "un logiciel malveillant"
Adware / Trojan horses / Ransomware / Spyware / worms / adware / viruses / rootkits
Name three types of malwares
say "cryptomonnaie" in English
Have I been pwned?
What is the name of a website on which you can check if your personal data has been breached?
What is the English equivalent for "la vente au détail"?
Which technology is used to transmit and secure data, for example when using cryptocurrencies?
an encryption key
Give the name of a portable device that you can use to store data safely
say "les identifiants" in English