Women in the Bible | The Prophets | Laughers and Dancers | The First | Jesus' Miracles |
Who is Elizabeth
Who is the mother of John the Baptist?
Who is Balaam
This prophet of Moab had a confrontation with this talking donkey
Who is Abraham
This man laughed at God's promise that he would father a child in his old age
What is Ruth
The first book of the Bible named after a woman?
Who is Peter?
Jesus healed the mother-in-law of which disciple?
Who is Jezebel
This Baal-worshiping princess led Ahab into idolatry?
Who is Nathan
This prophet confronted King David with his adultery.
Who is Jesus
He was snickered at for claiming a dead girl was just asleep
What is the river turns to blood
The first of the ten plagues of Egypt
What is Bethany?
In what city did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead
Who is Deborah
The sole woman to serve as a judge in Israel
Who is Hosea?
This prophet married a prostitute because God told him to
This woman despised her husband for dancing in the streets?
What is green
The first color mentioned in the bible
What is one?
In Luke 17, Jesus heals 10 lepers. How many came back to thank him?
Herodias, wife of Herod
This woman plotted the execution of John the Baptist?
Who is Hezekiah, King of Judah?
When by God's word through Isaiah the prophet this sick man was told he was about to die, he prayed and wept. God sent Isaiah back to the man with an answer to his prayer, that he would be healed and his life extended by fifteen years. The man was:
What is Lamentations
What book says, "Our dance is turned into mourning"?
What is Cana
The first place Jesus worked his first miracle?
Who is Jairus?
Whose daughter died while Jesus was on the way to his house to heal her?
Who is Rahab
This woman saved the two men that went to spy out the land and the city of Jericho
Who was known as the first prophet in the Bible
Who are the Amalekites
What group of people were busy dancing and partying when David caught up with them?
Who is Othniel
The first judge of Israel
What is 38 years?
How many years was the man disabled that Jesus healed by the Pool of Bethesda?