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What is ordinal
This type of data is ordered in some meaningful way
What is basic
This type of research answers the question "why'
What is the inpatient census
This is the number of inpatients present at any one time.
What is 1
A woman gives birth to triplets, resulting in this number of deliveries
What is descriptive
This type of statistic describes and analyzes a given group without drawing any conclusion about a larger group
What is a chart
This illustrates data using only one quantitative coordinate
What is retrospective
This type of study reviews information that has already been collected.
What is A&D or I&Os
The daily inpatient census includes __________, whereas the inpatient census does not.
What is partum
The term meaning "childbirth"
What is continuous data
This type of data can be measured in fractions or decimals
What is discrete
__________ data are a type of quantitative data whose values are countable and finite, with no fractions or decimals.
What is correlational
In this type of research design, the relationship between factors or variables is studied to determine if or what type of relationship exists.
What is the average daily census
The total number of inpatient service days / total number of days is the formula for what?
What is a hospital fetal death
This type of death is not included in the newborn death rate.
What is a sample
This is a subset of a population
What is a graph
This is a method of relating one qualitative variable to another quantitative variable, such as time.
What is a convenience sample
This type of population sample consists of the most accessible members of a population.
What is 1
This is the total number of inpatient service days for a patient who is admitted and discharged on the same day.
What are discharges
The denominator in death rates includes this, in addition to the number of deaths.
What is an occasion of service
This is a specified, identifiable service involved in the care of a patient that is not an encounter.
What is histogram
This presents quantitative continuous data.
What is inferential
Public policy decisions are typically based on this type of statistics.
What is total bed count
This is included in the denominator when calculating the inpatient bed occupancy ratio
What are inpatient deaths
Gross and net autopsy rates include only this type of death in the denominator.
What is a register
This is a chronological list of data in a health facility.