Setting | Plot | Types of Conflict | Types of Character | Point of View |
What is place?
Geographic Location
What is the introduction?
The beginning of the story where the characters and setting are revealed
What is person vs. person? (psychological)
The leading character struggles with their physical strength against other people, forces of nature (environment), or animals.
What is a flat character?
A character which may be summed up by one or two traits. He/she received limited development at the hands of the author.
What is first person?
Story is told by the protagonist or one of the characters who interact closely with the protagonist or other characters (using pronouns I, me, we, etc.).
What is time?
WHEN the story is taking place
What is the climax?
This is the highest point of interest and the turning point of the story
What is Person vs. Him/herself? (psychological)
The leading character struggles with himself/herself; with their own soul, ideas of right or wrong, physical limitations, choices, and so on.
What is a stock character?
A stereotyped character, whose characteristics are immediately known because of common conceptions (or misconceptions) about certain groups of people.
What is 3rd person Omniscient?
The author can narrate the story using the omniscient point of view. She/he can move from character to character, event to event, having free access to the thoughts, feelings and motivations of his characters and he introduces information where and when he chooses.
What are weather conditions?
Rainy, sunny, stormy, or something else?
What is the resolution?
This is the final outcome or untangling of events in the story
What is Person vs. Society? (Social)
The leading character struggles against ideas, practices, or customs of other people.
What is a round character?
A character who is complex and many-faceted, and thus realistic. The author developed this character fully.
What is objective?
The narrator is simply a ‘fly on the wall,’ and does not know what anybody is thinking. The author only sees what is going on.
What are social conditions?
The daily life of the characters
What is rising action?
This is where the events in the story become complicated and the conflict in the story is revealed (events between the introduction and climax).
What is person vs. circumstance? (Classical)
The leading character struggles against fate, or the circumstances of life facing them.
What is a static character?
A character who is the same at the end of the story as at the beginning. He/she does not undergo any basic personality changes
What is 3rd person limited omniscient?
The author tells the story in third person (using pronouns they, she, he, it, etc). We only know what the character knows and what the author allows him/her to tell us. We can see the thoughts of and feelings of characters if the author chooses to reveal them to us.
What is the mood or atmosphere?
The feeling that is created at the beginning of the story.
What is falling action?
The events and complications begin to resolve themselves.
The reader knows what will happen next and if the conflict was resolved or not (events between the climax and resolution) |
What is external?
A struggle with a force outside one’s self
What is a dynamic character?
A character who undergoes a permanent change in his/her personality as a result of the situation presented in the story.
What is 3rd person limited omniscient?
The point of view of the story "A man and his mother turn to Cannibalism"