Signs & Symptoms Make Me Feel Better Lions and Tiger and Microbes, Oh My! Hodge Podge As Avril Lavigne said, " It's so complicated"
What is diarrhea?
Sing the jingle: The last word in the Pepto Bismol jingle is a common symptoms of shigellosis.
What is azithromyacin?
Z- Pack is the commonly known name for what antibiotic that treats shigella?
What is four?
How many stains of shigella are there?
What is lower gastrointestinal?
This half of the digestive system is the main target of shigella strains.
What is dehydration?
This complication of shigellosis can be treated with gatorade, pedialyte or in sever cases an IV.
What is cramp?
This symptom originates from the Old High German word "Krampfo".
What is close contact?
Antimicrobial drugs will shorten the duration of shigellosis and prevent spreading it to those within what type of proximity?
What is s. sonnei?
This strain of shigella is commonly found in DEVELOPED countries.
What is feces?
Caretakers of those with shigellosis must be very careful of contact with this bodily waste.
What is the kidneys?
These two organs may fail when exposure to a shigella strain is sever and prolonged.
What is fever?
In what 1958 #1 hit did singer Peggy Lee complain of this symptom when being kissed, held tight, in the morning and all through the night?
What is s. flaexneri?
This strain of shigella has a vaccine that is currently in the works.
What is s. felxneri?
This strain of shigella is found in DEVELOPING countries.
What is cells?
Shigella is able to hide from the immune system by residing in this host component of the human body.
What is genetically?
Blame it on the genes! Predisposure to the bacterium can be passed this way.


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