Notable SHERPies and SERPies SERP/SHERP History Profs The Neighborhood SERP/SHERP Stats
Who is Ted Allen (SERP 7), star of Queer Eye and Chopped?
Our most famous graduate's claims to fame.
What are mice?
These four-legged creatures like to hang out at 10 Washington Place.
Who is Bill Burrows? His namesake, Asteroid 9930 BILLBURROWS, was discovered in 1984.
An asteroid has been named for this prof.
What is the beaver? (John Jacob Astor made his fortune trading beaver pelts with Native American tribes.)
This animal is featured on subway tiles at the Astor Place station near 20 Cooper Square.
What is SERP 21? (We added the H in 2004.)
The last class to graduate as SERP, before the ‘H’.
Who are the Elizabeth Hansons of SERP 6 and 7?
These two with identical names graduated in consecutive classes.
Who is Craig Venter, co-sequencer of the human genome?
This scientist was featured at the 25th anniversary celebration.
What is, Why do Guys Get Sleepy After Sex? By Melinda Wenner (SHERP 24). 313 comments so far!
The subject of the most popular Scienceline stories ever. (Its author later became a SHERP professor.)
What is the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire? (The 1911 disaster killed 146 people and prompted labor reforms in NYC and elsewhere.)
This horrible disaster happened in a building that is now the site of NYU classrooms.
What are nine? (Most recently Lexi Krupp and Mark Kaufman, congratulations!)
There have been this many SHERP (and SERP) marriages.
Who is Mary Beth Griggs (SHERP 29), with 27 bylines, mostly about rocks?
This SHERPie has the most Scienceline bylines, by a lot.
Who are Jad Abumrad, Mary Roach, and Rebecca Skloot?
These three science journalists (not counting me) spoke at the 30th anniversary.
Who is Steve Hall?
In 2017, when I asked a recent graduates to rank their classes in order of helpfulness to their career, this professor's class came out on top.
What is The Godfather Part II? (The scene was supposed to be Little Italy.)
Scenes in this classic movie sequel were filmed on East 6th Street, though they were supposed to depict a different neighborhood.
What is Popular Science? (34 interns! Scholastic is second with 33 interns.)
Over the last 16 years, since 2006, more SHERPies have interned here than anywhere else.
Who is Molly Webster (SHERP 25)? (I drove her to emergency care, just as a precaution.)
This multitalented SHERPie decided to ignore the signs and walk in the grass at Brookhaven Lab and was promptly attacked by a swarm of tiny insects.
What is, Better Never Than Late?
The message on the sign Bill Burrows posted on the wall near the SHERP classroom on Washington Place.
What is psychiatry?
Ivan Oransky did his medical residency in this field.
What is the telegraph? (Samuel Morse was a professor of art and sculpture at NYU, inventing was just a side gig for him at first.)
This invention was first demonstrated at 22 Washington Square North in 1838.
What is 25 percent?
491 people have attended this program. This percentage (a multiple of 5) identify as male.
Who is Andy Han (SHERP 31)?
This SHERPie got high with Dan's daughter at the cookout.
What is UC Santa Diego, with seven SHERP graduates?
This undergraduate school was attended by more SHERPies over the last 20 years than any other.
What is fencing? Charles Seife plays.
NYU has won more national championships in this sport than any other -- a sport a SHERP professor has played, though not for NYU.
What is, Country, Bluegrass and Blues?
What did the initials of the legendary East Village club CBGB stand for?
What is $14,500?
Total tuition for SERP 1, within $1,000

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