Sports | Shawntay | Moton Park | Family | Church |
What is
What famous boxer from Norfolk won Gold in the lightweight 1984 Olympics?
What is January 11, 1974
When is Shawntay Birthday?
What is 2413 Jamaica Ave.
What is 1413 Shank Street
What was Grandma's address in Moton Park?
Who is Big Robert (granddaddy)
Who use to throw change down the steps?
Who is Bro. Bill
Who the bus driver at Smyrna Holy Disciple when Shawntay attended?
What is 1991
What year did Michael Jordan win his first NBA Championship ring
What is Blue
What is Shawntay's favorite color?
What is 1951
What year did Robert & Delores move to Moron Park?
What is Help me lift Jesus
What is the Evans favorite church song?
What is 6 yrs
How old was Shawntay when he got saved?
What is 6
How many super bowl rings do the Pittsburg Steelers have?
What is Campostella Bridge
What bridge was Shawntay scared to go across in the car?
What is 2011
What year was Moton Park demolished?
Who is Big Robert (granddaddy)
Who use to give out brown bags as a Christmas gift?
What is 4 (Change, Presbytery, Mens Fellowship, Basketball Fellowship)
How many ministries was Shawntay apart of?
What is Alabama Crimson Tide
Who won college Football Playoff Championship 2021
What is Friday
Which day of the week was Shawntay born?
What is The Paper Factory
What was the name of the building behind the row of house on Jamaica Ave?
Who is Melvin Joyner (Boo-Relly)
Who was the youngest sibling who lived at 1419 Shank Street?
What is Chaplain assistant
What was Shawntay’s leadership role in prison?
What is 27
How many World Series titles does the New York Yankees have?
What is 13 years
How long has Shawntay been employed at the City of Norfolk?
What is Buck rd., Jamaica Ave., Shanks St., and Carey Ave
What streets made up Moton Park?
What is Sunday
Which day of the week was Deborah born in October 1952?
What is 1997
What year did Shawntay join Faith Deliverance Christian Center?