Shabbat Songs | Mitzvot on Shabbat | Cholent! | Shabbat | Random Jewish Facts |
Any one you choose!
What is your favorite Shabbat Song?
What is the bracha that we make over the wine/grape juice at the beginning of our Shabbat meal called?
During the meal on Shabbat afternoon
When do we traditionally eat Cholent?
Saturday, the 7th day
Which day of the week is Shabbat?
How many Mitzvot are in the Torah?
Shalom Aleichem
Which song do we sing Friday Night to welcome in the Angels?
What is the second thing that we make a bracha over at the beginning of our Shabbat Meal?
Meat,potatoes, beans, barley
What ingredients go into Cholent?
To show that Hashem created the world in 6 days and rested on the 7th.
Why do we celebrate Shabbat?
How many commandments are there?
Light Shabbat Candles
What do Jewish Women and girls do every friday to bring in the Shabbat?
How long does Cholent need to cook for?
Make a Bracha
What do we have to make sure to do before we put any food in our mouth?
Lecha Dodi
Which song do we sing in the Friday Night tfilot that has the same sentence repeated in between every paragraph?
Nice, Special clothing
Which type of clothing do we wear on Shabbat?
25 hours
How long is Shabbat?
Shir Hamaalot
Which special Tefila do we say before the Birkat Hamazon on Shabbat
More than 2000 years
How long have the Jews been eating Cholent for?
Once a week
How often do we celebrate Shabbat
1. because of the dew that covered the manna 2. because we are making the bracha on the Grape juice first.
Why do we cover the challah on our Shabbat table?