Gender Gender Preferences Gender Differences Gender Beliefs Gender Complications
What is Gender typing
the process by which people learn their culture's preferences and expectations for proper masculine and feminine behavior
What is Bisexual
A person attracted to both men and women
What are cognitive differences
It may be present but are possibly due to psychological and social issues rather than biology
What is the social learning theory
emphasizes learning through observation and imitation of models, attributes gender role development to those processes
What is sexual dysfunction
a problem in sexual functioning
What are gender roles
the cultures expectations for masculine or feminine behavior, including attitudes, actions, and personality traits associated with being male or female in that culture
What is Homosexual
a person attracted to the same sex
What are Social and Personality differences
The differences cited between men and women in the ways they interact with other and their personality are often the result of stereotyped thinking about the sexes
What is gender schema theory
a theory of gender role development that combines social learning theory with cognitive development
What is paraphilia
a disorder in which the person either prefers, or must, achieve sexual arousal and fulfillment through sexual behavior that is unusual or not socially acceptable
What is gender
Being born as either male or female
What is Heterosexual
a person attracted to the opposite sex
What is the Kinsey Study
The study of finding the frequency behavior such as masturbation, and sex, and premarital sex and the belief that sexual orientation was not an either or situation
What is gender stereotype
a concept about males or females that assigns various characteristics to them on the basis of nothing more than being male or female
What are Organic or Stress Induced Dsyfunctions
a sexual problem caused by physical disorder or psychological stress
What is gender identity
the individuals sense of being male or female
What is sexual orientation
a person's sexual attraction and affection for members of either the opposite or the same sex
What is the Janus Report
The percentage of Americans who engaged in different types of sexual activities
What is androgyny
characteristics of possessing the most positive personality characteristics of males and females regardless of actual sex
What are organic factors, psychological facors, OR sociocultural factors
Sexual dysfunctions and problems can be cause by

Sexuality And Gender

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