Are you pregnant? What to Expect When You're Expecting What Does My Future Look Like as a Teen Mom How Do I Protect Myself?
What is; tender and/or swollen breasts, nausea with or without vomiting, increased urination, fatigue, light headedness, food aversions or cravings, enhanced sense of smell, light spotting or breakthrough bleeding, mood swings, missed period
What is one symptom of pregnancy?
What is true
True or False; The normal pregnancy duration is 40 weeks. Babies born prior to 40 weeks are at risk for low birth weight and other associated serious health problems.
What is True
True or False; The sons of teen moms are two times as likely to end up in prison in compared to sons of women who give birth over age 20.
What is A method or device to prevent pregnancy
What is a contraceptive?
What is False
True or False; Everyone stops having periods as soon as they get pregnant.
What is Sperm
During conception the mother supplies the egg and the father supplies the sperm. Which one determines the sex of the baby?
What is False, 8 out 10 do NOT marry the mother of their child
True or False; Most teen fathers end up not marrying the mother of their child
What is True
True or False; The pill is the most common form of contraceptive used by woman
What is True
True or False; A person can obtain a pregnancy test from a public health clinic, planned parenthood, or school based health center even if they are not 18 years of age or older.
What is inadequate medical care, high blood pressure, low birth weight, premature birth, STDs being passed to baby, postpartum depression
Name one risk associated with teenage pregnancy.
What is 3
Daughters of teen moms are ___ times as likely to later become teen moms themselves
What is 2
Teens who do not use contraceptive at the first sexual encounter are ____ times as likely to become pregnant versus teens that do use contraceptive from the very first time.
What is False- urine tests are usually accurate 10-14 days after intercourse
True or False; Pregnancy tests can show results as early as one hour after conception
What is 10-15 appointments
What is the average number of prenatal doctor appointments for a woman experiencing a typical pregnancy?
What is less than half, 38%
What percentage of teen moms have a high school diploma before age 18?
What is true
True or False; 6 out of 10 teens report that the main reason they do not use contraception is because they are afraid their parents will find out
What is An individual less than 18 years of age is unable to consent to sexual intercourse
Each state has different laws regarding age of consent. What is the current law in the state of Arizona?
What is; illicit drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, excess caffeine, prescription drugs
Name two substances that are especially important to avoid during pregnancy?
What is less than 2%
What percentage of teen moms obtain a college degree before age 30?
What is abstinence
Name the only way you can be 100% protected from stds and pregnancy

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