Influenza Vaccines | Vaccine Development | NARA Team Members | NC Trivia | Seqirus Fun Facts |
What is November-March
Influenza peak activity occurs during which months in the Northern Hemisphere?
What is an Investigational New Drug Application (IND)
To begin clinical trials, an influenza vaccine manufacturer submits an application to a regulatory health authority for the region where the study will be conducted. In the US, this application is called what?
Who is Ehsan Ahmed
Which NARA team member recently presented an overview on the Citizen's Petition Process?
What is Research Triangle Park
NC is home to the largest research park in the United States. Named for its location relative to the three surrounding cities of Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill or more formerly, for the 3 major research Universities in them: North Carolina State University, Duke University and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. RTP stands for what?
What is Holly Springs Manufacturing Site
Seqirus recently announced a $156 Million expansion to optimize global manufacturing capabilities for seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccines to take place at which manufacturing site?
What is Viral Subtype
Nomenclature of the viral strain contains 5 components. 1) Virus Type, 2) Geographic Origin, 3) Strain Number, 4) Isolation Year and what final component?
What is safety
The purpose of Phase I clinical trials are to confirm dose exploration and what?
Who is Ruben Ojeda
Which NARA team member traveled the furthest to join us this week?
What is "City of Oaks"
Raleigh, the capital of North Carolina is nicknamed what after its sheer number of majestic trees that line the streets?
What is 2015
In what year was Seqirus established?
What is aQIVc (MF59 adjuvant from Fluad + cell-based manufacturing from Flucelvax
Which development vaccine combines 2 Seqirus assets into 1 product?
What is H1N1
The 2009 "Swine Flu" pandemic was the result of which seasonal influenza strain?
Who is Ozioma Uwazurike
Which NARA team member recently took over as lead for the NARA Bi-Monthly Report?
What is the "City of Medicine"
Durham, NC is nicknamed what for its contributions to numerous innovations in biotech, pharmaceuticals, and medicine?
What is Parkville, Australia
Seqirus currently has manufacturing plants located on 3 different continents. These sites include: Liverpool (UK), Holly Springs (NC), and what other location?
What is the World Health Organization (WHO)
Which organizations utilizes surveillance data to recommend influenza virus strains for inclusion in vaccines for the Northern and Southern Hemisphere?
What is Neuraminidase (NA)
The surface of influenza virus is covered by 2 glycoproteins: Hemagglutinin (HA) and what other surface protein?
Who is Peggy Morris Charpie
Which NARA member has a background in both nursing and statistical analysis?
What is SAS Institute, Inc.
The top employer in Cary, NC is the largest privately held software developer in the world. What company is this?
What is Waltham, Massachusetts
In February, Seqirus announced an investment in a new R&D facility to support R&D portfolio development with a focus on self-amplifying messenger RNA (sa-mRNA). Where will this R&D hub be located?
What is egg-adaptation
There are several factors that may impact vaccine effectiveness. One of them is strain mismatch due to changes in the circulating influenza virus strains or what other factor?
What is 6
Strain mismatch occurred in how many of the last 10 US influenza seasons (2010/11-2019/20)?
Who is Noemi Lattanzio
Which NARA member was a CSL employee before joining Seqirus?
What is Charlotte, NC
Which NC city is home to the NASCAR Hall of Fame?
What is 'Securing health for all of us'
The company name Seqirus was derived from this expression.