Infection Control | 55 Exchange Place | Contact Tracing |
Everyone! Staff, Guests, and Participants
What are the three groups that SEO Safety Protocols apply to?
2 people maximum
What is the elevator limit at 55 Exchange Place?
SEO Human Resources
Who will notify you if you've been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19?
Everyone! Staff, Guests, and Participants
Who needs to complete the daily health assessment for in-person activities?
Downstairs in the lobby
Where can you pick up any deliveries at 55 Exchange Place?
Everyone! Staff, guests, and participants.
Who does SEO complete contact tracing for?
STAY HOME & work remotely
If you have recently traveled internationally, what should you do?
Notifying Kira at least 48 hours in advance that they are coming!
If you want a guest to visit you in the office, what is the first step you must take?
SEO Contact Tracing protocols will be initiated after an in-person attendee has tested positive for COVID-19 within 10 days of their last in-person visit.
When is SEO's contact tracing protocol initiated?
Daily wipe down of high touch areas, weekly cleaning of all work stations.
How often are workstations cleaned by SEO cleaning staff?
Trick question! Everyone is required (staff, guests, and participants).
Which group is not required to take a temperature check when entering the office?
Using Daily Health Assessments (in Robin & form-based) AND by conducting Contact Tracing Interviews
What are the two resources that SEO uses to identify those who have come into 'close contact'?
STAY HOME & work remotely
Your nose is runny and your allergies are acting up. What do you do?
HVAC Filters were upgraded to MERV 13
What were the HVAC filters upgraded to?
Taken a PCR test 5-7 days after the date of their last exposure;
Received Negative test results; and, Not experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms.
What are the three criteria you need to meet (after testing positive or coming in close contact) before you can return to in-person activities?