The Five Basic Senses The Lesser Known Senses Behavior, Sensory or Communication? What's in Your Tool Bag? Calming Sensory Strategies
What is the Visual System?
Tied to the sense of balance and all that we see including shapes, color, orientation and motion.
What is the Vestibular System or sense of balance
Contributes to balance and orientation in space. It is the leading system informing us about movement and position of head relative to gravity.
What is lack of communication skills
Cause of a child to flee or become frustrated.
What is Squish Box
A place for a student to sit to provide deep pressure and flexion for calming and increasing attention.
What is a bear hug
Type of hug that provides deep pressure.
What is the Auditory System
This system is used to perceive sounds.
What are the visual and vestibular systems
These two systems work together to support balance and orientation.
What is sensory or tactile sensitivity
Child is accidentally bumped and strikes out.
What are toys
Children's tools for play.
What is bear walking, walking like a puppy
Types of walks children enjoy.
What is the Tactile System or sense of touch.
This system allows us to perceive soft, hard, bumpy, scratchy, itchy, smooth, etc.
What is Interoception
Refers to sensations related to the physiological/physical condition of the body. Internal sensors that provide a sense of what our internal organs are feeling. Hunger and thirst are examples.
What is sensory or sensory seeking of vestibular and proprioceptive input.
Child is in constant motion
What are light spinners
Provides both visual and vestibular input and is fun for kids to operate.
What is Pete's a Pizza
A pretend game that provides sensory input based on a book - it can also be very tasty!
What is the Gustatory System or sense of taste?
Allows you to perceive sour, sweet, salty and bitter.
What is Proprioception
This system senses the position, location, orientation, and movement of the body muscles and joints.
What is communication/lack of communication skills.
Child bites in frustration when their needs cannot be met.
What oral fidgets
Oral chews - chewelry, crunchy foods such as pretzels.
What is marching or stomping
This type of 'walking' provides deep pressure to the feet and legs. Soldiers also walk this way.
What is the Olfactory System or sense of smell?
This system allows you to perceive Lavender and Vanilla
What is Proprioception
Provides us with the sense of the relative position of neighboring parts of the body and effort used to move body parts.
What is sensory/visual sensitivity/over stimulation.
Child can look at books, toys, etc. for only very brief lengths of time.
What are hand fidgets
Small objects to manipulate with hands/fingers to assist in gaining and maintaining a student’s attention to lessons.
What is a sensory snake
This heavy reptile provides calming through deep pressure input.

Sensory Strategies

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