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What is Illusions
Inaccurate perceptions.
What is Red & Green
People with color blindness often cannot perceive these two colors.
What is Sweet
The taste associated with sugar products.
What is Visual Cliff
This apparatus is used by research psychologists to demonstrate depth perception.
What is Sensation
The process of receiving information from the environment.
What is Perception
The process of assembling and organizing sensory information to make it meaningful.
What is Decibels
The measure of how loud a sound is.
What is Bitter
Coffee and olives are characteristic of this taste.
What is Space Constancy
Ballet dancers who spin a lot in circles don’t get dizzy due to this perceptual constancy.
What is Audition
The sense of hearing.
What is Depth Perception
The ability to see the relation of objects in space.
What is Iris
The colored circular muscle that opens and closes to control the amount of light that gets into the eye.
What is Pheromones
Odor chemicals that communicate a message.
What is Shape Constancy
The ability to perceive a door as the same object at different angles is due to this perceptual constancy.
What is Olfaction
The sense of smell.
What is Afterimage
Image that remains after stimulation of the retina has ended.
What is Cochlea
The snail-shaped part of the ear that is filled with fluid and small hairs which vibrate to sound.
What is Umami
Tomatoes and soy sauce are characteristic of this taste.
What is Size Constancy
Being able to tell from an airplane window that the cars below aren’t tiny is due to this perceptual constancy.
What is Adaptation
The gradual loss of attention to unneeded or unwanted sensory information.
What is Gestalt
Organized whole, shape, or form.
What is Rod
This part of the eye is most sensitive to violet-purple wavelengths and is responsible for night vision.
What is Cutaneous Receptors
Parts of the skin that respond to pressure, temperature, and pain.
What is Muller-Lyer Illusion
An inaccurate perception in which one line in a picture with two equal-length lines seems longer.
What is Absolute Threshold
The level of sensory stimulation necessary for sensation to occur.