Registered Nurses | Pediatricians |
What is a RN?
Nurses who care for patients who are ill or injured.
What is a Pediatrician?
A doctor who provides medical care for infants, children, teenagers and young adults.
What is an RNs job?
-Monitor patients
-Give medications when needed. -Prepare rooms, sterilize tools -assist care for others. |
What is a Pediatricians job?
-assist care for all patients
-research to find cures -examine children -diagnose conditions -prescribe medications if needed |
What is a RN hours?
40 hrs per week or when on call and/or scheduled.
What is the hours they work?
40 hours per weeks, on call or scheduled.
What is their hourly wage?
What is some HS courses to take?
-Physiology -food & nutrient |
What is the yearly wage?
Can vary, but mostly $60,270
What is their yearly wage?