Graddy Paper | Student personalities and treats | Movie | Games | Marxism and alienation |
what is corporal punishment
"They really beat me"
who is Alice
good and bad mashroom
The spirit of the beehive
Where do profits come from?
Who is Marx?
what is sneaker culture?"
"I put them on we have a connection to my personality"
"what, can you say it again"
who is Nico?
I helped a stranger today...his very quiet...
what is the beehive?
"I run your world, without don't exist"
what is technology?
"Roger Roger"
who is Tsepo?
my past is not true
what is lajeete?
"I do not think this is fair at all...we shouldn't be treated like this".
what is corporal punishment?
I'm sweet yet feisty
who is Dawn?
I'm red, I leave a scar...I'm still cared for even though I lie
what is the little prince?
"I express myself in a different way, my community is global and we are diverse"
what is sneaker culture?
"what I love to eat defines me"
who is Mike?
my theories and perspectives, explain a lot in today's world
what is the ascent of man