#CSS | Senate Problems | Meet the President | DO IT FOR THE SISTERS | Who needs Executives? |
What is 1912.
When was Tower Hall built?
What is T81.
What is the number of the room that the Senate office is located in?
What is Corgi.
What is our President's favorite dog breed?
What is Mother Scholastica Kerst.
What is the name of the first sister who initially began building Scholastica?
What is Administrative Vice President.
What position does Stephanie Peters hold in our Senate?
What is Stewardship.
Which one of our 5 Benedictine values is the "theme" for this year?
What is General, Project and Operating.
What are the names of the three Senate accounts we operate?
What is yellow.
What is our President's favorite color?
What is a daisy field.
When the sisters first began building Scholastica, what was where Tower stands now?
What is orange.
What is our Financial Vice President's favorite color?
What is George.
What is President Larry Goodwin's first name?
What is 60.
Roughly, how many clubs does Senate oversee? (40, 50, 60, 70, 80)
What is Marketing Analytics.
What is our President's major?
What is St. Joseph/St. Cloud.
Where is our sister college located?
What is Daniel.
What is our Executive Vice President's fiance's name?
What is a cross.
What object is displayed on top of Tower Hall?
What is 47.
Including new incoming Freshmen, how many people would we have on our Senate if we filled every voting position?
What is tan.
What color car does our President drive?
What is 6.
The first graduating class of CSS consisted of how many sisters? (3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
What is CAB.
Our FVP and AVP are involved in what other large club on campus?
What is Our Lady Queen of Peace Chapel.
What is the full name of the chapel here on campus?
What is Morgan.
Within the Senate office there is a photo of a previous senator that gets hidden around the office, what is the first name of that previous senator?
What is Rose.
What is our President's middle name?
What is 28.
How many sisters came to begin building CSS? (25, 26, 27, 28)
What is FVP/Rachel Anderson.
If Krystal and Ari would both vanish, which executive would take over?