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What is Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord
Who is Gordon B. Hinkley
The 15th president of the church
What is Modesty
Dressing in such a way as to bring out the best in yourself and those around you.
What is 1
This one deals with the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost
What is 4
The number of sons Lehi had
What is "Wo unto them that call good evil and evil good"
Isaiah 5:20
Who is Brigham Young
The 7th president of the church
What are standards
Rules or guidelines given to help you measure your conduct.
What is False
Being honest or chaste is not listed anywhere in the Articles of Faith
What is Isaiah
The biggest book in the Old Testament
What is "Choose you this day whom ye will serve"
Joshua 24:15
Who is Uchtdorf
Always talks about airplanes
What is body, mind, spirit
The Lord has commanded that you keep these three things healthy.
What is False
Because of the Atonement, there is nothing more we need to do to live with our Heavenly Father. Everyone on Earth is "saved"
What is Doctrine and Covenants
Where you'll find the sacrament prayers
What is "Gods work is to bring to pass immortality and the eternal life of man"
Moses 1:39
Who is Harold B. Lee
11th President of the church, also has a university library named after him.
What is friends
They greatly influence your thinking and behavior
What is 11
Everyone has the right to worship where or what they may.
What is 26
The age that is too old for men to serve a mission
What is "If we repent, our sins will be as white as snow"
Isaiah 1:18
Who is David A. Bender
Former BYU I president
What is gossip
Another kind of harmful language
What is organization
We believe in the same_____ that existed in the primitive Church, namely apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and so forth
What is 39
The number of books in the Old Testament