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what does adamant mean
What does bluff mean
fool by pretending confidence
What does stanchest mean
most loyal
What does usher mean
guide/ escort
What does balked mean
What does portly mean
having a large body; overweight
What does stalwart mean
strongly built sturdy
What does improbable mean
What does chiffonier mean
tall chest of drawers with closet
What does ferocity mean
savage cruelty; fierceness
What does plodder mean
a person who works hard but slowly
What does excess mean
to much or to many; extra
What does dubious mean
What does trudge mean
walk wearily or with effort
What does simultaneously mean
happening at the same time
What does swarthy mean
having a dark skin
What does jovial mean
marked by good humor, cheerful, joyful
What does conviction mean
firmness of belief
What does pacific mean
peaceful; calm; quiet
What does speculation mean
a guessing conjecture