The Epic Of Gilgamesh | The Creation | Noah and the Flood | Deucalion and Tata & Nena | Random |
Who is Utnapishtim?
This is the survivor of a flood sent by god to destroy humanity
Who is eve?
This is the first person to eat the apple
What is an ark?
This is the transport when the flood came
Who is Tlaloc?
He warned Tata and Nena about the flood.
What is mortality?
Gilgamesh went searching for this
Who is Gilgamesh?
This is the king of Uruk and the epic's heroe.
What is light?
This is what God created first
Who is God?
This person told Noah about the flood
Who is Titan?
He warned Deucalion about the flood
What is destroy mankind?
This is the purpose of the floods
Who is Enkidu?
This is Gilgamesh friend; a wild man whom the Gods created out of clay.
What are humans?
This is what God created last
What are animals?
They went in the ark with Noah
What is a large wooden chest?
This is Ducalions transportation in the flood.
What is poverty?
The prodigal son return home because of this
Who is Shamash?
This is the God associated with the sun and human lost.
Who is the snake?
This made Eve eat the apple
What are animals?
Noah took one pair of each in the ark
Who is Zeus?
He wanted to destroy mankind in Deucalion.
What is The Prodigal Son?
This is the story that teaches forgiveness
Who is Siduri?
This is the Goddess of wine and brewing.
What is The Garden of Eden?
This is where Adam and Eve lived
Why does God spare Noah?
God wanted the human race to continue.
What is the era of the fourth son?
This is the time when Tata and Nena occured.
Who are the gods?
They granted Utnapishtim inmortality