Nouns | Verbs | Writing Terms and Adjectives | Skills | Writing 1 Trivia |
What is bias?
This is a preference for one thing/person/place over another and is often considered unfair.
What is edit?
Making minor changes to something, such as fixing errors
What is revise?
To make major changes or improvements
What is their?
Many of the students are on ______ phones.
there/their/they're |
What is snowman?
A nonviolent alternative to a popular classroom game
What is an agenda?
There are many items on our _________ today, so we will be busy.
What is develop?
To become better or more sophisticated
What is critical?
Viewing something through a ________ lens means thinking about ways it can be better or improve.
What is an indent?
This should always come before a new paragraph
Who is Trevor Noah?
The handsomest Comedy Central host and memoir author
What is the denotation?
The literal definition of a word
What is reminisce?
To look back on something fondly
What is constructive?
Done with the goal of improving something or some skill
What is imagery?
When a writer uses sensory descriptions to show the reader an image
What is a frankensentence?
Term for one sentence that contains multiple vocabulary words.
What is a theme?
An idea that repeats in a piece of art or writing.
What is orate?
To give a speech to an audience
What is reliable?
Consistently or predictably of quality
What is an apostrophe?
Should be used to indicate abbreviation or possession.
What is the ram?
MCSM's mascot
What is characterization?
When an author tells a reader about a character
What is profile
To base judgements of a person on superficial traits, such as race
What is restorative?
Done with the goal of healing or improving relationships
What is looks?
Makes up the L in STEAL
What is Corani?
Corbett and Ms. Kourani's celebrity couple name