Articles of Confederation & The Great Compromise | Voting | Political Parties | Interest Groups | Campaign Finance Laws |
What is Tabula Rasa
A Blank Slate, the mind is a blank slate @ birth filled through experiences from the outside world
What is a Republican?
A person apart of a political party most commonly known for supporting a smaller government, lower taxes, the 2nd ammendment, and are pro-life
What is a Political Party?
A group of people who sseek to control the government by winning elections.
What is an Interst Group
An organization of people who have policy goals & try to influence policy makers to accomplish these goals
What is Public Financing?
Tax payers can choosee to donate extra money each year too gov. funded campaigns
Who is Thomas Hobbes
English philiosipher known for his novel, "Leviathan". He wanted a structured gov
What is a Democrat?
A person apart of a political part most commonly known for supporting a larger government, higer taxes, gun control, and are pro-choice
What is the Electoral College?
Is how the Untied States picks who is going to be president during presidential elections
What is NAACP
A liberal interst group who worked to end racial segregation and helped abolish the death penalty in 5 states
What is Soft Money?
Political donations given to the party, not the candidate. Avoids government regulations
Who is John Lock
English Philiosopher known for "Two Treateis on Government", argued against absolute rule
What is self announcement?
A way a candidate is nominated in an election. Usually used by candidates who want to run as independents
What is Popular vote?
Whichever candidate has the most votes from registered voters in the "winner"
What is Litigation
Challenging any law or rule made in place in court
What is a PAC
A political action comitte formed by buisnesses & corporations or labor unions to make donations
What is the Articles of Confederation
Established the goverment of the US after the revolutionary war
What is a Convention?
A way a candidate is nominated in an election. Basic procedure. Major parties usually use.
What is Horse Race Coverage?
focouses on polling data & public opinions rather than candidate policies
What is
A progressive organization that claims to have helped end the war in Iraq
What is Hard money
Money given directly to the governemnt with limitations and regulations
What is the Great Compromise?
a bicameral congress where 1 house is based on pop. & the other equally represented by all states.
What is a Direct Primary?
A way a candidate is nominated in an election. Usually held within the party to pick the party's candidate for general election.
What are Sound bites?
sound clips used on TV to convey the messge of an entire speech (30 secs)
What is Americans for Prosperity
An organization known for its ties in American industry and the Koch Brothers
What is a Super PAC
Indeependent expenditure groups who don't give directly to the candidate, therefore don't have any spending limits.