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What is a sample?
A subset of a population
What is Probability Sampling?
A technique in which each student in the target population has a 'non-zero' chance of being selected
What is Qualitative Research
This method of research seeks to explore a topic in depth
What is a Typical Case Method?
Includes participants who represent the "average" person in the study
What is the typical size of a focus group?
Range in size from 2 to 12 people, but the ideal is 6 to 10 people
What is a Focus Group?
A research method that collects data through group interaction?
What is Cluster Sampling?
Random selection occurs with the cluster but all in the cluster can be surveyed
What is Quantitative Research
This method of research seeks to generalize to the larger population
What is Snowballing or Referral Method?
This method asks other individuals to recommend or refer other participants to you
What are reasons for survey fatigue?
1. Increased need and interest in assessment that has led to more surveys
2. Increased ease in conducting surveys |
What is sampling?
Provides a means for gathering data without surveying all individuals in a targeted population
What is Nonprobability Sampling
Some members of the population have zero probability of being selected
What is Sampling Bias
results from systematically excluding one group of the population by the survey technique, timing, or method
What is Maximum Variation Sampling?
This captures general themes or patterns when a variety of experiences or opinions exists
What are ways to combat survey fatigue?
1. Coordinate Assessment Activities
2. Use a variety of sampling techniques 3. Use a variety of delivery methods 4. Provide feedback |
What are Three steps to developing an effective sample?
1. Identify Target Population
2. Find a List of the Target Population 3. Select the Sample |
What is Convenience Sampling
Usually involves no specific criteria except that they happen to be in a certain place at a certain time
What is Sampling Variance?
AKA: Margin of Error
What is Extreme or Deviant Case Sampling?
This focuses on the "atypical" person
What are examples of combating survey fatigue in a longitudinal study?
1. Recruit using phone calls, letters, incentives and prizes
2. Develop a professional looking survey 3. Know your audience 4. Be sensitive to students time and commitments 5. Minimize disincentives |
What is a target population?
This must be countable, observable, and have time restrictions
What is Stratified Random Sampling?
A method that is used when you need to have sufficient representation of two or more groups within the population
What is Purposive Sampling?
The Qualitative Method of sampling that chooses respondents who can best answer the research questions
What is Stratified Purposeful Sampling?
This seeks to coordinate focus groups that represent the different categories of individuals
What are the last names of today's presenters?
Fitch Rodriguez Lang |