Background | Impact | Solutions |
What is the pollutant- Point or Non-Point?
What is the impact of sediments on humans?
Sediment contamination can lead to kidney and nervous system damage and impaired development in human receptors
What is a solution to mitigating sediment pollution through soil?
Cover bare dirt in yard- When soil is exposed, rain carries sediment into streams. Instead, mulch and dirt keeps soil in place for water to stay clear
What is the human activity leading to sediment pollution?
The leading cause of sediment pollution is from active construction sites
What is the impact of sediments ecologically?
Suspended sediment in high concentrations can dislodge plants, invertebrates, and insects in the stream beds, ultimately effecting the food source for fish
What is a solution to mitigating sediment pollution in stormwater devices?
Implement sediment stormwater control measures- structured devices to remove sediments from stormwater runoff before it reaches waterways
What is the way in which sediments enter the water cycle?
As stormwater runs through construction sites, the water picks up pollutants from debris, chemicals, and construction materials
What is the impact of sediments ecologically (pt. 2)?
Sediment can clog fish gills, reducing resistance to disease, lowering growth rates, and affecting fish egg and larvae development
What is a solution to mitigating sediment pollution in farms?
In farms, fence cattle out of streams, install alternative watering sources, and create stable livestock crossing areas to reduce sediment and erosion in waterways
What is the way in which sediments transport through ecosystems?
Sediment pollutants transport through stormwater, ending up in storm sewers and local waterways
What is the impact of sediments on water quality?
The suspension of sediments increases the turbidity of water, causing water to become cloudy and ultimately increase water temperature
What is a solution to mitigating sediment pollution?
Contact city stormwater or sediment erosion control department
What is sedimentation?
The process of natural and human occurrences leading to sediment deposition in lakes, rivers, and oceans
What is the group disproportionately affected by sediment pollution?
Communities in disadvantaged areas/low income neighborhoods
What is a solution to mitigating sediment pollution through yard work?
Avoid mowing lawns within 25 feet from stormwater waterways to create a safe buffer zone that will help naturally filter stormwater runoff