Who’s Lying | Presentation | Will it be You | In Another's Shoes | Blinding Suit |
What is Betty
Who is the person who is first in the bed ill
What is File
Which tab is open under in the tool bar
What is baseball
What sport did the boys play?
What is medical treatment
How does Griffin become black
What is six
How many guys buy the suit
What is Abigail
Who does John have an affair with
What is Font
What are Ariel and New Times Roman
What is World War II
What is the news on the radio when Rueven is in the hospital?
What is Hitchhiking
How does Griffin sometimes get around
What is Martinez
Who moves in with Gomez
What is Marry Warren
Who gives Elizabeth the poppet
What is print
What button to press to get the power point on paper
What is photographic memory
Danny has what that helps him remember things
What is shoes
How does Sterling recognize Griffin
What is Vamenos
Who is the last one to be one of the ones to have the suit
What is a bird
What is it that the girls see in the court room
What is File
The tab to print something
What is Reuven
Reb Saunders talk to Danny how
What is Sepia
What magazine will tell about Griffin’s experience
What is Vilanazul
Who accused Gomez to run away with the suit
What is Governor Danforth
Who over sees the trials
What is Format
What tap to press to get the paragraph
What is a heart attack
David suffers through what twice
What is Martin Luther King Jr.
Who is a main influence in the black community
What is teeth
What other than the suit catches Celia’s eye