Continents | Landforms | Our Country | States | Water |
How many continents are on earth?
What is the highest kind of landform?
United States of America
What is the name of our country?
What is the state in which we live?
Is there more water or land on the earth?
North America
What is the name of the continent where we live?
What landform is a low area between mountains or hills?
What is a synonym for the word country?
Choose the state that is south of us...Florida, California or Alaska?
What is the biggest kind of water on the earth?
United States, Canada, or Mexico
Name one of the three countries in our continent.
What landform is a wide open flat area of land?
How many states are in our country?
Choose the state that is west of us...New York, Texas or California?
How many oceans are on the earth?
South America
What is the name of the continent that is south of our continent?
What landform is a piece of land completely surrounded by water?
What is the leader of our country called?
New York
Choose a state that is north of us...Ohio, Florida or New York?
River, lake, pond...
Name another kind of water form besides oceans?
Africa, Australia, Antarctica, Europe, Asia
Name another continent besides North America and South America.
A piece of land surrounded by water on three sides, like Florida
What is a peninsula?
George Washington
Who was the first leader of our country?
Alaska or Hawaii
Name one state that is not attached to the rest of the United States.
Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic
Name one ocean?