Automation | Changing the Look/Feel | SDO Hacks (Getting things done FAST) | Competitive Call Outs | Demo Components and AppExchange |
Using Workflow and Approvals
Updating the Page Layout
Improving Quoting/Sales Process
Kicking Out Spreadsheets/Simple Tools
Document Creation
Showing a custom trigger
Cool Console Components
Cleaning up the SDO's Standard Community
Get the RED Out (Beat Larry/Oracle)
Bringing in your Extended Team (Going BEYOND Sales/Service/Marketing)
Improving Customer Service
Mobile Hacks/Tricks
Custom Buttons/Actions
Curing the Customer of Microsoft
Dashboards/User Adoption/Getting Started
What happens AFTER a sale
Using VisualForce to Drive Efficiency
Freebie! (cool things you do and we should KNOW)
Crush ZenDesk
Selling in the Field (Mobile-Only Use Cases)
Engaging the Executive Suite
Lightning Components!!!
Selling to a B2C Focused Company
Kill'em All