Tricky Tags | Challenging CSS | Pages | JavaScript | Development |
What is the P tag?
A tag that contains a paragraph.
What are opening / closing brackets? "{" "}"
The two characters that go around a group of CSS properties for a given CSS selector.
What is the HTML tag?
The first tag in a webpage.
What is a variable?
A "box" you can use to store values for your program to remember.
What is a search engine / what is Google?
The best website to go to when you can't figure out a problem.
What is the IMG tag?
A tag that contains an image.
What is the font-size property?
The property that changes the size of text in paragraph.
What is the HEAD tag?
The tag inside the HTML tag and before the BODY tag.
What is a string?
The data type of the value "Scott"
What is JSBin?
A website we use to create a new webpage on.
What is an attribute?
A part of the tag with a name and a value - e.g. "src" and "href".
What is the margin property?
A property to add spacing outside of an element.
What is the BODY tag?
The tag that contains all of the visible parts of the webpage.
What is 8?
The value of x after:
x=5; x=x+3; |
What is a bug?
A name for a mistake in a program (or a type of invertebrate!)
What is an unordered list?
The type of list that a UL tag makes - it's initials are in the tag name!
What is the color red?
The name color that corresponds to #FF0000.
What is the STYLE tag?
The tag that contains the CSS styles for the page.
What are numbers?
A variable name cannot start with these.
What is indenting?
A way to make your webpage more readable by adding spaces to the source.
What is the tag?
The name of the element that creates a text box.
What is a media query?
An instruction that allows you change the style for a mobile phone or other screen size.
What is the LINK tag?
The tag that includes a CSS styles from another file.
What is a function?
A set of instructions you can call from your program that may have "inputs" (parameters) and produce an "output" (return value).
What is cascading style sheets?
The full name of the acronym CSS.