tag makes - it's initials are in the tag name!, The name of the element that creates a text box">
Tricky Tags | Challenging CSS | Pages | JavaScript | Development |
What is the
A tag that contains a paragraph
What are opening and closing brackets? "{" "}"
The two characters that go around a group of CSS properties for a given CSS selector
What is the HTML tag?
The first tag in a webpage
What is a variable?
A "box" you can use to store values for your program to remember.
What is a search engine / what is Google?
The best website to go to when you can't figure out a problem.
What is the
A tag that contains an image
What is the font-size property?
The property that changes the size of text in paragraph
What is the tag?
The tag inside the HTML tag and before the tag
What is a string?
The data type of the value "Scott"
What is JSBin?
A website we use to create a new webpage on.
What is an attribute?
A part of the tag with a name and a value - e.g. "src" and "href"
What is the margin property?
A property to add spacing outside of an element
What is the tag?
The tag that contains all of the visible parts of the webpage
What is 8?
The value of x after:
var x=5; x=x+3; |
What is a bug?
A name for a mistake in a program (or a type of invertebrate!)
What is an unordered list?
The type of list that a
What is the hash symbol? "#"
The symbol used to select a tag's id
What is the tag?
The tag used to reference a CSS file
What is a function?
A set of instructions that only gets executed when called
What is indenting?
A way to make your webpage more readable by adding spaces to the source.
What is the tag?
The name of the element that creates a text box
What is top, right, bottom and left or clockwise?
The four directions in order when using the shorthand margin style