Winter Skills | Emergency Skills | Scoutcraft Skills | Trail Skills | Leave No Trace |
What is metal
I know I should never touch this type of thing in the cold - especially with my tongue
What is 911
In an emergency, you need to call
What is to stay warm or stay out of the wind or rain or sun
I know a good reason I need a shelter when sleeping outdoors
What is tucking my pant legs into my socks or pulling my socks over my pant legs
I can protect myself from ticks by doing what with my socks
What is a camp plan
Before I go camping I should always make sure I make this
What is hat, mittens, boots, jacket, snowpants
I always remember to wear these things when I play outside in the winter
What is wash it with soap and water
If someone has a small cut, the first thing I should do is
What is birch bark or old man's beard
I know something I can find in the woods that can help start a fire
What is three times
If I need help (it's an emergency) I should blow my whistle how many times?
What is a fire pit
The best place to start a fire at a camp ground is
What is hang them up to dry
I always remember to do this with my wet snow pants after playing in the snow
What is stop, drop and roll
If my clothes are on fire, I do this (show us)
What is trying to break it - if it bends it's not dry enough
I can check to see if a stick is dry enough for a fire by doing this
What is West
These are the four directions on a compass - North, East, South and ---
What is take garbage home and put it in the garbage
If I have garbage or find some in the woods, I should
What is water bottle, spare hat, mitts or socks, survival kit, first aid kit, snack
I can name 2 things I should keep in my backpack in the winter
What is groups of 3
If I'm lost in the woods, I can signal first responders by creating groups of how many things?
Show us how to tie it to get the points
I can tie a reef knot
Show us for the points
I can find north (using a compass)
What is take a picture of it or draw a picture of it
If I see something really cool in the woods, I shouldn't take it but I can do this instead
What is a helmet
When I go sliding with my Scouts group, I always wear
What is a whistle
I always carry a what when I go into the woods
What is boiling it
I can help clean water to make it safe to drink by doing this
What is trails
When I go on a hike, I should always walk on
What is leave it alone
If I see an animal when I'm in the woods I should always