Scientific Method | Scientific Method | Scientific Method |
What is
B. Scientific Method
What system do scientists use to keep track of their studies?
a. Dewey Decimal system B. Scientific Method c. Experiments |
What is
a. true
True or false
It is okay if your hypothesis is incorrect. a. true b. false |
What is
b. hypothesis
Before we did the Mentos Coke experiment Vincenzo said he thought the soda would explode. This is called a:
a. experiment b. hypothesis c. problem |
What is
c. Research your topic to help you develop a question.
What do you do first if you are going to use the Scientific Method?
a. make a hypothesis b. Write a conclusion statement c. Research your topic to help you develop a question. |
What is
b. investigation
The procedure to collect data about an object or an event is know as:
a. conclusion b. investigation |
What is
a. experiment
When we mixed magic powder with water we created snow. Mixing the items together was considered an:
a. experiment b. fun time c. question |
What is
b. Share your results
What do you do first?
a. experiment b. Share your results |
What is
a. inquiry
The process of asking questions is known as:
a. inquiry b. hypothesis |
What is
b. experiment
A test done to check if a hypothesis is correct is:
a. guess b. experiment c. conclusion |
What is
c. hypothesis
What do scientist call a smart guess?
a. lucky b. research c. hypothesis |
What is
b. conclusion
A decision taken based on information from your experiment is known as:
a. questions b. conclusion c. research |
What is
c. question
The problem that needs to be resolved is:
a. experiment b. magnifying glass c. question |
What is
a. true
True or false
Experiments should be done more than once? a. true b. false |
What is
a. data
The results of an experiment in the form of numbers or pictures is known as:
a. data b. answers c. hypothesis |
What is
a. guess
Another word for a hypothesis is
a. guess b. test |