Heat States of Matter Resources
From warmer areas to cooler areas. Cold is NOT an energy and will not move!
How does heat move?
Think of water vapor. It starts as a gas. As the temperature decreases, the vapor turns into a liquid (condensation). Then, as the temperature drops below 32 degrees F, the water turns into ice (freezes).
Describe how a gas turns into a solid.
Petroleum (oil), natural gas, and coal
Name 3 examples of nonrenewable resources
The heat moves from the hot chocolate into the air and also into John's hand (causing his hand to warm up while the chocolate cools off).
John made a cup of hot chocolate. Describe how the heat moved.
Think of ice. It begins as a solid. Once the temperature increases, it melts and turns into a liquid (water). When the temperature reaches 212 degrees F, the water will boil. Then, it will turn into a gas (evaporation).
Describe how a solid turns into a gas.
solar (sun), wind, hydropower (water), biomass, and geothermal
Name at least 3 examples of renewable resources
Sun, electricity, body, friction, and burning
Name 5 ways that heat is produced.
Solid: particles close together, has its own shape, can be hard/smooth, EX: table, pencil, book, etc.

Liquid: particles have some space between, take the space of the container, can be opaque/transparent/foamy, EX: ink, oil, milk, water

Gas: particles f
Describe the three states of matter (particles, characteristics, and examples).
Renewable resources: we will not run out of these. They are resources we can easily get more of.
Nonrenewable resources: Take millions of years to form and we may eventually run out.
Both types of resources provide energy.
Explain the difference between a renewable and nonrenewable resource.
She should use a metal container. Metal is a conductor and would allow the heat to move easily. A metal pot would lose heat quicker.
Kyra made a pot of soup, but it was too hot to eat. She wanted it to cool off quickly. What type of container should she put it in?
Water droplets formed on the glass. The particles in the air became cool and they turned into a liquid. This is called condensation.
Liz put lots of ice cubes into her lemonade. What happened to the outside of her glass?
Because mining is required to access these resources, there is a loss of habitat. It can also lead to deforestation. When burned, it pollutes the air.
Describe how nonrenewable resources affect the environment.
Luke is incorrect. The mitten does NOT produce heat. The thermometer would read room temperature. His hands get warm because his body produces heat and the mittens trap the heat.
Luke knows to put mittens on his hands when it's cold outside to keep his hands warm. He thinks that the mittens produce heat, so he places a thermometer inside a mitten to find out. Is he correct? Why or why not?
The ice had its own shape
Beth put water into the freezer and a returned a few hours later, only to find that the water had turned into ice. Why was she SURE that it was a solid?
Answers will vary, but may include:
Pros- clean energy (no air pollution),widely available and accessible, etc.
Cons - depend on weather/seasons, noisy, unpleasant to look at, etc.
Give one pro and one con to using renewable resources.

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