Volcanic Eruptions | Cost and Destruction | From the inside | Extras |
Has Mt. Rainier erupted in the last 500 years?
What place was Mount St. Helens on the costliest eruptions list?
Can anything stop a lahar?
A lahar is a hot or cold violent type of mudflow produced from the eruption of volcanoes.
What is a lahar?
It looked like it snowed.
Describe Washington after the Mount St. Helens eruption.
850 Million - 860 Million
How Much did Mount St. Helens destruction Cost?
A volcanic wildfire is caused by the hot temperatures from the lava flow.
What causes a volcanic wildfire?
Sour, Metallic, and Bitter tasting.
What does Contaminated Water Taste Like?
What year did Mount St. Helens erupt?
1000 Million - 1 Billion
How much did Nevado Del Ruiz destruction cost?
Human lives, Human Homes, Animal Lives, Animal Homes
What can a volcanic wildfire destroy/kill? Name 3.
It can instantly kill you.
What happens if you breath in Hot Volcanic Ash?
What year did Mt. Tambora erupt?
How Many US Volcanoes are on the costliest list?
Smog: made up of acidic droplets created when sulfur dioxide and other gases from a volcano mix together and interact with sunlight.
What is a volcanic fog called and what are it's characteristics?
It can Irritate lungs.
What can Volcanic Smog do to your body when it's breathed in?
What year did Nevado Del Ruiz?
Around 120,000 Lives
How many lives did Mt. Tambora claim?
It mummified them.
What did the Volcanic Ash do to the people in the streets of Pompeii?
It's a model of Pompeii.
What is the cover page of slides a model of?