water | elements | gravity | Visable Light | Wild Card |
What is h2o
The formula for water
What is atomic symble ti
Atomic symble of titanium
What is Newtons third law of motion
For every action there is an equal or opposite reaction
What is main 3 colors
Red, Blue and Yellow are __________
What is mammel
Loki is a _____________
What is the sea
Over 50% of the planet
What is atomic # helium
Atomic # 1
What is gravity
Small things are pulled to large things
What is Green
Blue and yellow mixed
What is soda
Liquid sugar
What is h2o
Has 3 atoms
What is iron
You mix neyodenium steel and what to make powerful maunets
What is planets
8 objects that circle one large object
What is purple
Red and Blue mixed
What is TV
Digital Imaging on a screen
What is tidal generator
Creates energy by tides and turbines
What is bronze
80% copper and 20% tin
What is gravity
Why we stay on the planet
What is orange
Red and Yellow mixed
What is a IPAD
Dads movable computer-ish
What is hover dam
Holds back water and creates energy for los vegas
What is atomic symble b
Atomic symble of boron
What is Gravity
Space is __________less
What is Dye
Clothing color
What is Heartland
Mom and Jessica's favorite TV show (on Netflix)