Fill in the Blank | Multiple Choice | Fill in the Blank | Fill in the Blank | True or False |
What is Plants
All living things depend on
What is Spores
Ferns and mosses are green plants which begin as
What is Leaf
Part of the plant that makes food
What is Photosynthesis
Food making process of green plants
What is True
The act of moving pollen from flower to flower is pollination
What is Seeds
All flowering parts have
What is Annual Rings
The circles in a tree trunk that shows a year's growth of new wood are
What is Chlorophyll
Green material in plants
What is bark
protective "skin" of a tree trunk
What is False
The leaves and the branches of a tree are called the trunk
What is Dormant
When a seed is resting we say it is
What is Fungi and Bacteria
Plant-like organisms which contain no chlorophyll are
What is Carbon Dioxide
a gas given off by people and animals that plants need
What is True
Sunlight is the energy that helps plants make food |
What is False
In a tree trunk, the lighter rings of wood that carry sap are called heartwood
What is Reproduce
God designed plant life to ___________ or make more of its own kind
What is Flower
The part of the plant that makes the seeds
What is Pollen
Yellow powdery dust formed by flowers
What is True
Pine trees have narrow leaves Called needles |
What is True
Tiny insects and worms that help to break dead things down are decomposers
What is Roots
A plant's __________ grow downward to absorb water and minerals from the soil
What is Stem
The part of the plant which carries water and minerals upward and food downward is the
What is Fruit
Structure that holds and protects seeds
What is False
Temperate Forests
Tropical rainforests have trees that change color in autumn |
What is
food to eat and build things
List two ways you depend on trees to live