1.1: What is matter | 1.2: More about Matter | 1.4: Pure Substances and Mixtures | 1.5: Identifying and Classiflying Matter | Bonus trivia |
What type of scientist studies matter and its changes?
Solid, liquid, and gas
What are the three states of matter?
Pure substance
Is alumimum a pure sunbstance or mixture?
ball pit, muffin, cereal, etc.
What are 2 examples of mechanical mixtures?
A person
A portrait is a picture of what?
The particle theory of matter
What is the name of the theory that studies what matter is made of and how it behaves
What is the state of matter with a definite shape and definite volume?
Distilled water
Which of these smaples is a pure substance:
Tea, lake water, distilled water, bottled water |
Tea, coffee, air, steel, seat water, nailpolish
What are 3 examples of solutions
What is earth's largest ocean?
The particles are always moving
Why does a drop of food colouring mix itself in the water without being stirred?
What is the state of matter that fills a container because of the force of gravity?
Diamond, aluminum foil, sugar, salt,
List 3 pure substances I showed in class
Is the air we breathe a pure substance, solution, or mechanical mixture?
What is the name of the horse in tangled?
It can be cheaper and safer
What are the two reasons that scientists make chemicals that imitate the ones in nature?
The particles don't get bigger or change. Only the speed of movement and their arrangement changes.
If you heat up matter, do the particles get bigger? Why or why not?
Pure substance
What is the term for a subtance that only contains one type of particle, either and atom or molecule?
Is apple juice a pure substance, solution, or mechanical mixture
What planet in the milky way is the biggest?
Hot water makes the particles move faster and spread further apart so they come into contactg with sugar more often than in cold water.
Why does hot water dissolves sugar faster than cold water?
Which state of matter best reflects the main idea of the Particle Theory of Matter that states that particles are attracted to each other?
Coffee mug, muffin, tap water, pen, apple, air
List 5 mixtures I showed in class
The particles are too small for our eyes to see them individually and the particles in a solution are all mixed evenly together, making it look like one kind of matter.
Why does a solution look like they are only made up of one type of matter?
A jenny
What do you call a female donkey?