Phase Changes (not phasers) | Mass, Volume, Density (plus tax) | Measurement (with other things too) | Concentration and Solubility (like hide and seek) | Who dat person? |
What is freezing?
A transition from liquid to solid.
What is grams?
The metric unit for "how much stuff" an object or substance has.
What are a value (number), unit, and uncertainty?
Every measurement includes these three things.
What is in between the liquid molecules?
The place where solids go when they dissolve into liquids.
Who is Isaac Newton?
The smartest person who ever lived. Invented own branch of mathematics and proved gravity keeps planets in their orbits.
What is a phase change or transition?
When heating or cooling a substance, it is what a plateau represents on a temperature vs time graph.
What is a balance?
This object measure mass directly.
What is exact?
The word that should never be applied to any measurement.
What is insoluble?
A solute that does not dissolve into a solvent is said to be ________ .
Who is Mark Zuckerberg?
Overlord of the metaverse and head of an increasingly irrelevant service that foments hate speech and misinformation.
What is chemical and physical?
The two types of reactions between substances.
What are properties that are NOT characteristic?
Temperature, sharpness, mass, shape, volume, and weight.
What is 10?
The number of significant figures in this measurement: 0.0001010001000 cm.
What is increase?
Removing liquid from a solution does this to its concentration?
Who is Julius Cesar?
Famous general of Rome. Et tu Brute. Has a salad named after.
What is reversed?
Unlike chemical reactions, phase changes or transitions can be easily __________ .
What is because its density is lower than the liquid it sits in?
A solid object floats in a liquid for this reason.
What is "never talk about significant figures"?
The first rule of significant figures.
What is nothing, nada, zilch, nichts?
Removing liquid from a saturated solution does this to its concentration?
Who is Cruella Deville?
Has a love hate relationship with puppies. Likes animal coats. Misunderstood with misanthropic tendencies. Likes black and white spots.
What is a plasma?
Heating up a gas to very high temperatures will create this fourth state of matter.
What it 1/2 mL?
The volume of an object whose density is 18 g/mL and whose mass is 9 g.
What is 200?
The answer to (10+10.3+100.1) x 2 with the correct number of significant figures.
What is solid coming out of solution (aka precipitation)?
You will see this when a saturated solution is cooled down?
Kamala Harris
Highest elected women to federal office. California Attorney General.