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What is terrarium
A mini garden in a enclosed container
What is range of tolerance
Varying conditions and Which anorganism can survive
What is drought
A long period of dry weather
What is brymothomoll blue
Also known as BTB it is an indicator for acid in water
What is acid in water
In this experiment we use BTB to detect acid and water for the goldfish
What is environmental factor
One part of the environment that can be living or non living
What is viable
What is irrigate
To water crops by artificial means
What is brine shrimp
Tiny animals related to crabs and lobsters
What is brine shrimp hatching
In this experiment we try to determine the range of salt tolerance for brine shrimp
What is environment
Everything that surrounds and influences organisms
What is controlled expirement
A set of Experiments focusing on one variable
What is salt tolerant
Able to survive in salt
What is terrestrial environments
The purpose for this experiment was to observe and compare A variety of organisms and identify factors that make up environments
What is salt of the earth
In this experiment we tested to see how much salt plants prefer
What is organism
Any living thing including plants and animals
What is salinity
The salt content
What is salt sensitive
Unable to survive in salt
What is bugs and beetles responding to moisture
The purpose of this experiment was how moisture affects Beatles and is it there optimum condition
What is yes
Do environments influence organisms
What is variable
Something that can be changed in the experiment hint: you should only change one
What is dormant
At rest
What is carbonic acid
Water plus carbon dioxide
What is water tolerance
The purpose of this experiment was to find out how much water the plants prefer to Grow
What is yes
Do organisms influence the environments