Chemistry | Biology | Physics | Environment | Nutrition |
Liquid to solid
When you cook an egg which states of matter do you observe?
Animals such as rabbits and deer that only eat plants are called _______?
An incline plane
A ramp is an example of this simple machine
Recycling of paper helps safe what kind of living thing?
At least 5 servings
How many servings of fruit and vegetables should you eat at a minimum daily?
pH of 7
Which pH value indicates a neutral pH?
Animals without backbones are ________?
Isaac Newton
Who was the scientist who formulated "A body in motion stays in motion"?
A volcano
A mountain that has been formed by material forced out of the inside of the earth is called __________?
Which is the healthier fat, butter or oil?
What is the formula of an oxygen molecule?
Oxygen O2
What is the gas produced by healthy plants?
Electrons, protons and neutrons are parts of what smallest unit of matter?
Which types of living organisms help return nutrients to the soil?
Chicken, turkey, salmon and trout are examples of this macro nutrient?
100 oC
What is the boiling point of water in degree Celsius?
Which microorganism helps bread dough rise and ouble in size?
The north pole and the south pole of 2 bar magnets would attract, repel or not affect one another?
What is the name of the layer, located in the stratosphere, that helps protect us against UV rays?
When you exercise a lot your muscles use mainly this macro nutrient
Water H2O
Which compound takes up all 3 states of matter on Earth?
What is the name of the process that uses the energy from the sun to make sugars?
Concave lens
A lens that is thinner in the center than the edges and is used to correct nearsightedness in people is called __________
In the ocean
If you throw away plastic bags where will they most likely end up?
........our bodies need in small quantity from foods, mainly fruits and vegetables.
Vitamins are nutrients that.......