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What is reverence?
a feeling or attitude of deep respect; admiration; adoration; honor; veneration
What is a shindig?
an elaborate party or celebration
What is faze?
to confuse
What is berserk?
wild, crazy; insane; demented
What is erratically?
out of control; in an unplanned way; no certain course
What is isolation?
a complete separation from others; being alone
What is contortion?
twisting and bending
What is serenely?
calmly; peacefully; patiently
What is a envisioned?
imagined; pictured in one's mind; anticipated
What is cowed?
frightened; intimidated; overwhelmed
What is sole?
being the only one
What is compassion?
a feeling of deep sympathy or sorrow for another who is stricken with misfortune
What is valid?
based in truth; acceptable; accurate; credible
What is guff?
nonsense; pointless; foolish talk; poppycock
What is extremities?
the limbs of the body; one's arms or legs or tips of fingers; extreme outermost point or limit; the edges
What is ploy?
a tactic used to gain the advantage; to trick
What is wary?
cautious; being on guard against danger
What is mollify?
pacify; soothe; appease; to soften in feeling or temper
What is raucous?
rowdy; disorderly; very loud
What is lamented?
expressed sorrow or regret for; mourned; regretted; grieved
What is dubious?
doubtful; uncertain outcome; questionable
What is intriqued?
filled with curiosity; deep interest in something
What is consoled?
gave comfort to; comforted; lessened the grief
What is maneuvering?
moving skillfully through obstacles; engaging in planned and regulated movements requiring dexterity and skill
What is belated?
taking place after the expected date or customary time, late; delayed; overdue