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What is googled?
stared at with bulging or wide-open eyes; gawked
What is combatants?
persons or groups engaged in a fight
What is projectile?
an object thrown forwards, like a bullet from a gun, shell, rocket; a missile
What is heckled?
interrupted a public speaker rudely
What is bizarre?
unusual in appearance or style; outrageous
What is grimace?
a facial expression that indicates pain
What is furrowed?
to make wrinkles in the face
What is cascading?
to fall or flow downward; resembling a waterfall; descending or falling
What is a constituent?
people who choose someone to act on their behalf; Americans who elect a representative to represent them in congress
What is scrabbling?
scratching or scraping with hands or claws; digging; ripping
What is vague?
not clear; indefinite or dim
What is grimly?
sternly; frightfully; horribly
What is autonomous?
a community or country governed by its own laws; self government
What is exhilarated?
energized; invigorated;
What is shrouded?
wrapped in a cloth or sheet for burial; covered or concealed; hidden from view
What is rile?
to irritate; annoy; provoke
What is precisely?
exactly; definitely stated or defined; being just that and no other
What is trajectory?
the CURVED path of a propelled or thrown object
What is convulsed?
shook violently with laughter, anger, pain, etc
What is solemnly?
in a serious manner; sober; quietly
What is brawny?
muscular; strong; powerful
What is wanly?
lacks forcefulness; done weakly, faintly; feebly; suggests weakness or ill-health
What is chortled?
chuckled; giggled; snickered
What is bogus?
fake; false; fictitious; not genuine
What is a facsimile?
an exact copy; replica; a duplicate