Duties & Responsibilites | Para Professionals | Managing Student Conduct | Legal Obligations | Personal & Professional Conduct |
What are the hours for a full-time certificated staff member?
What runs from 8:15 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. and
includes a 30-minute duty free lunch |
What is a paraprofessional?
A person that "supports and implements lessons" with direct guidance from the classroom teacher
Who is all Norwood Park staff?
Staff members who are responsible for supervising and managing student behavior throughout the building?
What is a CPS report?
This is done when a child reports being hurt in some way or neglected outside of school.
What is the dress code for staff members?
Wearing appropriate clothing that promotes a professional look and attitude about working in a school.
What is a PLC Day?
The Data Teams Process is used to complete work on this day monthly.
What is a para educator schedule?
The daily sequence of activities/places a para professional must be to serve students daily.
Who is the classroom teacher and the PBiS committee?
These individuals set the rules and expectations for students
Who is the principal, coordinator or office staff?
These individuals should be contacted immediately when fighting or a medical emergency is happening on the campus.
What is a cell phone?
This item needs to be turned off when on duty an not used during instruction for personal communication.
What is Subfinder?
You use this system to schedule an absence
Who is Rose Severson (instructional coordinator)?
This person is the lead supervisor for all special education para educators.
What are the Six Pillars of Character Counts?
These pillars are used to teach students about the qualities of a citizen with good character
Who is the health tech or the school nurse?
The individuals who are responsible for dispensing student medication.
What are employee responsibilities and duties?
All employees must follow all LPS policies and guidelines for ethical behavior and instructional practice.
What are daily lesson plans?
These are expected to be written daily by teachers to guarantee thoughtful, high quality instruction for students using the specified LPS curriculum.
What is a para educator schedule?
Expectation for para educators to be on time to designated locations in the building.
What is a Protective Plan?
Teachers write these individual schedules and activities for students who are not able to manage their overwhelming emotions or inability to follow directions.
What are "student rights"?
Students should be treated fairly and given the same opportunities without consideration of race, color, religion, gender or disability.
What is the appraisal process?
Observations and evaluations conducted by supervisors to determine proficiency of staff.
What is taking attendance and lunch count?
Teachers are required to record students who are present and what they want to eat for lunch
What is "emergency leave"?
These days can be used for the first 2 snow days each year by paraeducators.
What is an office referral?
This is written when a student is physically aggressive or threatens to hurt someone.
What is your driver's license, copy of insurance card and a permission slip with parent signature.
Private transportation of any student requires these items to be on file with the district.
What are the "Professional Ethics Standards"?
Commitment as a Professional Educator
Commitment to the Student Commitment to the Public Commitment to the Profession |