Teachers | Staff | Events/students | Students | History |
Mrs. Frankord
What teacher recently had a baby?
How many lunch staff members are in the cafeteria?
What year was the last MiniTHON?
Matthew Radabaugh
Who made it to states in swimming?
What year was the high school built?
Mrs. Rickabaugh, Miss Hetrick, and Mrs. Maier
What teachers are involved in student council?
Name of the lady who works in the growler?
Dodgeball Tournament or Self-care week
What was the most recent event held by ClubCARE?
Jack Patterson
Who made the first chair for the county band?
The high school
What did the middle school use to be?
Miss Bentz or Miss Robinson
Newest teacher's name?
How cleaned the music and ag halls for several years?
NICKNAME of the bulldog mascot this year?
Nadia Alajlouni
Who was the first to get their license in the Junior Class, 2023?
Mt. Rock
What building used to have a pool?
Miss Daugherty
What teacher balances between the middle school and high school currently that isn't a language teacher?
Mr. Reese
Who is the man in the Pikachu hat that directs cars into the parking lot?
Thursday, March 3rd, 2022
What was the opening date for the musical
"The Wizard of Oz" this year? |
Sophia Price
Who was the wicked witch in "The Wizard of Oz" this year?
"Everyone Loves Bulldog:
What was the name of the short film taken at our school?
Miss Ortiz
Who is the dance club leader?
March 4th
Who is the lady who works in the growler's birthday?
What did the marching band place in championships this year?
Kennedy, Liz, Molly, and Laila
Who are the Senior class officers? (name at least two)
Frankford, Mifflin, Plainflied, Mt. Rock, Oak Flat, and Newville have all been elementary schools
How many elementary schools have we had? (ones that have since been closed and ones that have become one).