Irrational Numbers Surface Area and Volume Transformations Probability and Statistics Miscellaneous
What is 8, the square root of 16, the square root of 7, 0.37, 0.356, 1/5?
Place these numbers in order from greatest to least: 1/5, 0.37, 0.356, the square root of 7, the square root of 16, and 8
What is the area of the base?
In the formula V=Bh, what does B stand for?
What is a slide of a figure?
What is a translation?
What is the minimum and maximum data values?
In a box and whisker plot, what do the whiskers represent?
What is 5.06 x 10 to the second power?
Write the following number in scientific notation: 506.
What is 3.5 meters?
The area of a square is 12 meters. What is the length of one side of the square rounded to the nearest tenth of a meter?
What is a square?
What is the base shape of a cube?
What is 27 cm long?
If a figure is dilated by a scale factor of 3, and the original side is 9 cm long, how long will the resulting side be?
What is 3 because it is the median?
What number would the center line in the box of a box and whisker plot represent for this set of data: 3, 3, 10, 7, 3, 2, 6?
What is 15 to the negative sixth power or one over fifteen to the sixth power.
What is 15 to the fourth power divided by 15 to the tenth power in exponential form?
No, it is not an irrational number because it can be written as a fraction, and it repeats.
Explain whether 1/3 is an irrational number or not.
What is it is one half of the formula for a rectangle. Instead of lxw it is lxw divided by 2.
How does the formula for the area of a triangle relate to the formula for area of a rectangle?
What is to the left five spaces and up five spaces?
If a triangle is translated from (x, y) to (x-5, y+5), what direction would the triangle move in?
What is 1/12?
Four cards numbered 1, 3, 8, and 10 are placed in a bag. A card is picked out at random and then remains out of the bag. What is the probability of choosing a 3, and then a 1?
What is 37 and 38?
The sum of two consecutive numbers is 75. What are the two numbers?
What is squaring a number?
What is the inverse of taking the square root of a number?
What is 140.672 square cm?
Find the amount of paper needed to make a label for a soup can with a diameter of 4 cm and a height of 9 1/5 cm.
What is 0.6?
If the side of the original figure is 5 units long, and the corresponding side of it's dilation is 3 units long, what is the scale factor?
What is the median because it would drop from 70% to 69% whereas the mean would drop from 76% to 57%?
Which measure of center is more stable: the mean or the median? For ex: consider the effect of a 0 if your set of grades is 70, 89, and 68.
What is 4n-1?
In the sequence 3, 7, 11, 15, write an expression that will find the nth term in the sequence where n represents the position of the term.
What is 16.2 meters long?
The delivery ramp at the Corner Cafe is a right triangle. The hypotenuse is 17 meters long. One leg is 5 meters long. Round the length of the other leg to the tenth's place.
What is 6.3 feet?
If a rectangular fish tank has a volume of 78.75 cubic feet, and the width is 2.5 feet, with a height of 5 feet, what is the length?
What is (x-5, y+5)?
If the vertices of parallelogram ABCD move from coordinates (1,1) to (-4, 6) and (1, -3) to (-4, 2), what is the translation in terms of (x,y)?
What is 16 out of 81?
A jar contains 4 red marbles and 5 green marbles. If you replace the marbles after picking one out, what is the probability that two marbles in a row will be red?
What is V=1/3 times pi times r squared times h?
What is the formula for the volume of a cone?

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