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What is FR
What two letters will appear in IXFR if a fraud claim has been filed?
What is Low Risk
Date of birth is what kind of authentication token?
What is ICAL+6040
What TSYS command do we use to search for a client's account?
What is [email protected]
What is the email address that client's use to cancel their LINKED IN account?
What is F5, F2
What two F keys do you hit to retrieve enhanced data on a charge, such as what was purchased
What is 2 high risk tokens
How many/what type of tokens do we need before we can release an old closed card number?
What is Online transaction
What does POS Entry 81 mean?
What is Transaction adjusted moved from old card to new
What does it mean when the letter "A" appears next to a transaction on WCSA on an old card
What is Merchant reversal
What does MSG Type - 400-AUTR stand for?
What is none. Credit limit is not an authentication token
Credit Limit is what kind of authentication token?
What is Wrong Expiration/CVV
What does decline reason 7022 mean?
What is CTRL + ALT + DELETE to lock your computer
What is step 3 when you are updating your WORK PASSWORD
What is MCNA
What screen do you update a client's email?
What is IAED/MAMM and WAGN
What two screens on TSYS shows a verbal password?
What is No longer disputing
What does the acronym NLD stand for?
What is 877.767.9384
What is the phone number for our Rewards Redemption Center?
What is a contactless transaction
what does POS07 mean?
What is call Egate for an OTAC (one time authorization code)
What must happen if a client fails the verbal password?
What is F8
What F key do we hit when we go to the IOPT screen
What is "R"
What letter do we place on a TC (Transaction Code) to gather the details (TRANS ID/MCS) to place a duplicate VISA charge into dispute?