TSYS Commands TSYS Commands Authentication and Blast Timeframes General TSYS
What is IAED
This screen should be checked at the very beginning of the call to ensure there are no alerts in the notes
What is WADI
This screen allows you to view all disputes entered under a specific card number and should be checked at the end of your call when filing a new dispute
What is 1
How many low risk tokens do we need to ask in order to initiate a claim?
What is 90 days
If a claim is to be accepted by the bank, what is the longest amount of time that we have to credit a client?
What is 1001
You'll find this TC code (Transaction Code found at the very left side of every transaction) for a Visa debit authorization
What is WFRD
This screen is viewed to find what time a transaction was ran
What is IXFR
This screen shows previous card numbers that have been reissued
What is high risk
A Verbal password is an example of what kind of authentication token?
What is 45 days
If we issue a chargeback on a Mastercard, how long after the chargeback does a merchant have to respond?
What is 3006
You'll find this 4 digit number under TC Code (Transaction Code found at the very left side of every transaction) for a Mastercard Merchant Credit
What is WAGN
This command allows you to place an account into the pending queue
What is RCRD
This screen allows you to view when the last card was sent out and must be checked before you can use CVV as a high risk token
What is Forms
This gray tab on BLAST has the lost/stolen report that you would use to reissue a card
What is 24-48 business hours
How soon does a $25 credit show up on the new card when a client calls and requests to have it transferred from an old closed account?
What is H83
You use this CT Initiation Reason Code when placing an international fee into dispute CT __ DE
What is IOPT
This command allows you to view if a client is a pay in full account
What is MCNA
This screen allows you to view and update a client's phone number/ address/ or email address
What is "T" for TSYS referral, and "N" for No action
You choose these two letters on Reason Code 1 and 2 before you are able to submit your customer on BLAST
What is 90 days
How many days does a client have to file a claim on a Mastercard Paid by Other Means dispute?
What is Invalid Pin
What does decline reason code #111 mean when a transaction is declined on a client's card?
What is AAME
This screen allows you to add a manual note to the account (Not permanent)
What is ICDI
This screen allows you to view all disputes under one corporate account number
What is Search
This gray tab is used in BLAST to look up a fraud claim
What is 540 days
This is the absolute max amount of days that we have to file a dispute no matter the situation
What is "O"
You type this LETTER in the "DISPLAY" field of WCSA when you need to delete a dispute you recently entered

SB Billing Disputes

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